Why Are Regular Property Inspections Important For Salt Lake Landlords

Why Are Regular Property Inspections Important For Salt Lake Landlords?

If you own a rental property in Salt Lake City, we can’t stress enough how crucial it is to inspect your investment. With regular inspections, you can help maintain the value of your investment property and make sure your tenants are happy too.

There are a few different types of inspections, and in this post we’ll explain how you can identify and address potential problems before they grow into costly repairs or even legal disputes. Plus we’ll discuss how a professional property management company in Salt Lake can help streamline the entire process.

What are the different types of rental property inspections?

Move-in inspection: Before a tenant moves in, you’ll want to document your property’s condition and make a note of any existing damage.

Drive-by inspection: This is where you (or someone from your team) will literally drive by the property to identify any potential issues like unauthorized pets or occupants. A drive-by inspection won’t need advanced notification to the tenant, since nobody is entering the property.

Indoor inspection: To make sure tenants are maintaining the property and identify any repairs or replacements needed, you can schedule a quarterly, semi-annual or annual inspection of the property. This is also an opportunity to change the air filter on the property’s HVAC unit.

Move-out inspection: This should take place after a tenant vacates the property. You’ll want to assess the entire property’s condition, and then make the necessary deductions from the security deposit for any damages that occurred beyond normal wear and tear.

What are the benefits of regular rental property inspections?

Working with rental properties in Salt Lake over the years, we’ve identified some advantages for property owners:

Prevent costly repairs: If you can identify and address a maintenance issue early on, this can typically prevent the problem from turning into an expensive repair down the road.

Enhance curb appeal and keep tenants happy: It’s no surprise that a well-maintained property will attract the type of tenants you want, and keep them around longer. This reduces vacancy rates and turnover costs. Plus you could see more positive Google reviews.

Lease compliance: Regular inspections will help ensure tenants are keeping to the terms of their lease, whether it’s occupancy limits, pet policies or specific maintenance items.

Protect your investment: Of course you want to maintain and grow your property’s value, and regular inspections will help you make informed decisions about any necessary repairs or improvements.

How can rental property inspections help with difficult tenants?

It’s inevitable that despite the best efforts of rental property owners, difficult tenants will prove to be challenging. This is why we recommend having a strong and clear lease which will help address these infractions that are discovered during your inspections.

Whether it’s a late payment, or a lease violation, make sure to keep all interactions with the tenant professional and well documented. An expert rental property management company can help you with these challenging situations, and make sure everything is compliant with laws and regulations in Utah.

Seasonal maintenance checklists for Salt Lake rental property owners

Beyond those regular inspections that we talked about in this blog post, you should have seasonal maintenance performed on the property to keep it in the best condition. Check out our Summer Maintenance Checklist and Fall Maintenance Checklist for Salt Lake Rental Homes.

Why should I hire a company to manage my Salt Lake City rental property?

There are some distinct advantages to partnering with a reputable property management company in Salt Lake City like Advanced Solutions. First, we strictly adhere to proven procedures and processes to make sure we efficiently manage your property. That means on-time rent payments, better screening methods, an affordable and dependable in-house maintenance crew, and clear communication.

ASPM is experienced in landlord responsibilities and tenant rights, which ensures that all inspections comply with local regulations and laws. You can trust your property to Advanced Solutions Property Management, and have peace of mind knowing your investment is in the right hands.

“ASPM increased Net Operating Income (NOI) on the property by 13% in less than a year — AMAZING!”
– Lee G.

If you’re a property owner, let’s chat!